What does lamdadeploy.io do exactly?
lambdadeploy.io was built to help users more easily build and source control AWS Lambda functions. We take existing Lambda functions from your AWS account and check them in directly to your source control provider.
lambdadeploy.io was built to help users more easily build and source control AWS Lambda functions. We take existing Lambda functions from your AWS account and check them in directly to your source control provider.
Do you also store function configuration values like memory/timeout/etc?
Yes, we store configuration information about each function in a configuration file in the function repository. This allows us to deploy functions into other regions/accounts using the same configuration that they were source controlled with.
Yes, we store configuration information about each function in a configuration file in the function repository. This allows us to deploy functions into other regions/accounts using the same configuration that they were source controlled with.
What Lambda development languages are supported?
We support Python, Node.js, and Ruby for native source code. If you have an existing Lambda function, in any of those languages, we can fully manage it for you. For .NET and Java, we can deploy and source control the compiled binaries that are deployed as Lambda functions, but not currently as raw source code. We are working on some cool functionality to also store .NET and Java source code so look for that soon!
Can I use the AWS code editor?
Yes, absolutely! Develop a function directly within the AWS environment using a language the editor supports and it will automatically appear in your lambdadeploy.io account. Select that function and check it in to source control.
Yes, absolutely! Develop a function directly within the AWS environment using a language the editor supports and it will automatically appear in your lambdadeploy.io account. Select that function and check it in to source control.
Can I use lambdadeploy.io without the AWS code editor?
Yes, absolutely! If you work on your functions locally, or do not use a language supported by the AWS editor, then once your functions are deployed to AWS, you can check them in to source control the same way you would if you used the AWS editor and lambdadeploy.io.
Yes, absolutely! If you work on your functions locally, or do not use a language supported by the AWS editor, then once your functions are deployed to AWS, you can check them in to source control the same way you would if you used the AWS editor and lambdadeploy.io.
I have a lot of functions, do I have to manage them one at a time?*
Our paid versions allow you to work in bulk mode with your functions – add them to source control, create branches, and merge multiple functions all at once. Our free version will allow you to check-in functions in bulk, but only allows single function management.
Our paid versions allow you to work in bulk mode with your functions – add them to source control, create branches, and merge multiple functions all at once. Our free version will allow you to check-in functions in bulk, but only allows single function management.
Can I clone my functions to other regions or accounts?*
Yes! Once your functions are in source control, simply select the function and specify the AWS account and region to which you want to deploy the functions.
Yes! Once your functions are in source control, simply select the function and specify the AWS account and region to which you want to deploy the functions.
How do functions look in my source control repository once I have checked them in?
We enforce a 1:1 ratio between a Lambda function and a source control repository. Each repository will have an .ld.io.config file that contains function configuration information (timeout, memory, permissions required, etc) and a layers.ld.io directory that stores binary versions of the specific layers a function needs to operate so they can be deployed in other regions/accounts.
We enforce a 1:1 ratio between a Lambda function and a source control repository. Each repository will have an .ld.io.config file that contains function configuration information (timeout, memory, permissions required, etc) and a layers.ld.io directory that stores binary versions of the specific layers a function needs to operate so they can be deployed in other regions/accounts.
What source control providers do you support?
We currently support GitHub and BitBucket, with support for AWS CodeCommit coming shortly.
We currently support GitHub and BitBucket, with support for AWS CodeCommit coming shortly.
Can I create, switch, and merge branches?
Can I see source code diffs?
Yep! We show you changes in the current AWS environment (local) and if any changes exist on the remote origin.
Yep! We show you changes in the current AWS environment (local) and if any changes exist on the remote origin.
How are user permissions managed in AWS and my source control provider?
We use individual access keys and tokens that are tied to specific AWS and source control users. That means that a lambdadeploy.io user can only do what they can already do in both AWS and in a source control account. So you do not need to do anything!
We use individual access keys and tokens that are tied to specific AWS and source control users. That means that a lambdadeploy.io user can only do what they can already do in both AWS and in a source control account. So you do not need to do anything!
What kind of security measures do you use?
We store as little as possible and encrypt everything along the way. Each account has its own isolated encryption keys that are used to obfuscate things like account numbers and function names. We have gone to extreme measures to ensure that we have NO sensitive information that is human-readable anywhere while data is at rest.
We store as little as possible and encrypt everything along the way. Each account has its own isolated encryption keys that are used to obfuscate things like account numbers and function names. We have gone to extreme measures to ensure that we have NO sensitive information that is human-readable anywhere while data is at rest.
How do I need to structure my Lambda functions to be source controlled?
You do not need to do anything special to structure your functions. Simply select an existing function in AWS Lambda and add it to source control. We will take care of the rest.
You do not need to do anything special to structure your functions. Simply select an existing function in AWS Lambda and add it to source control. We will take care of the rest.
What else can lambdadeploy.io do?
In addition to helping you manage Lambda functions and source control, we also built lambdadeploy.io to be a developer command center for building Lambda functions. We literally used this tool to build itself! There are direct links for editing a function, quick access to recent function CloudWatch logs (as you are debugging), each source control repository, and tools that we find valuable. You can also search across all of your Lambda functions and get links directly to code using our Search feature. And this is just the start…we have big plans!
In addition to helping you manage Lambda functions and source control, we also built lambdadeploy.io to be a developer command center for building Lambda functions. We literally used this tool to build itself! There are direct links for editing a function, quick access to recent function CloudWatch logs (as you are debugging), each source control repository, and tools that we find valuable. You can also search across all of your Lambda functions and get links directly to code using our Search feature. And this is just the start…we have big plans!
* Some functionality only available in specific paid subscriptions